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The delivery of light bulbs in the PR Entre Cerros project was completedsuccessfully

The delivery of light bulbs in the PR Entre Cerros project was completedsuccessfully

With an excellent participation and reception from the heads of families, the delivery of
energy saving light bulbs was carried out for the members belonging to two
Neighbourhood Councils that are part of the area of influence of the Entre Cerros
Renewable Park project, in the commune of Portezuelo, namely Quitento and Buenos
Both are part of the agreements that were established with the neighbourhood units, as
part of the commitment to energy efficiency sustained between the project developers and
the Neighbourhood Councils.
Paulina Arriagada and Pía Salcedo, community relations officers of Consorcio Eólico and
Engie, respectively, the latter being the project’s client company, were present at the
handovers, as well as Luis Barros, project manager.
Together with them were the leaders of both Neighbourhood Councils. A total of 200
families benefited, with a total of two thousand light bulbs delivered.

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